Phoenix Chapter of HPNA

Session 2: Modify Messaging for Serious Illness & End of Life Care to Underserved Communities


Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 12:00pm MT - 1:00pm MT
This event has ended.

Educational Offering



Modify Messaging for Serious Illness & End of Life Care to Underserved Communities

Additional Information

The second session is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the essential skills needed to effectively modify messaging in patient care and organizational communication. This engaging session is tailored to empower participants with practical strategies and tools to navigate communication challenges in the healthcare landscape.

Additionally, this session offers actionable recommendations on how to modify current messaging to align with key study findings. Geared towards palliative and hospice teams, as well as healthcare professionals committed to empowering teams and patients in managing serious illness and end-of-life planning, this presentation emphasizes communicating in a positive manner that encourages individuals to take proactive action.

Join us as we embark on a transformative journey to enhance communication in healthcare, empowering teams and patients to take positive action in managing serious illness and end-of-life planning.

If you missed our first session on the research from the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care, you can view the presentation at the link below and will receive the research during this session as well!


Deb Bershad
Deb Bershad BSN, RN, EOLD

Advocacy/Empowerment for Patients and Healthcare Teams

Deb has worked on the frontlines of nursing care her entire nursing career. In 1988 she organized and led a “Patient Care Conference” for a patient who had been hospitalized for several months. Jack transferred back and forth between CCU, ICU and the cardiovascular med/surg unit that she worked on, never stabilizing enough to be discharged. Today this conference is known as a Patient-Centric, Goal Concordant conference. The patient’s goal was, “to get well enough to go home, and then take my grandson fishing”. If you are curious about Jack’s outcomes, Deb will share his outcomes at the April 4 meeting. Deb then spent the next 30+ years looking for a practice environment where she could work with a team in a similar fashion as she had with Jack! She found that team in 2017, when she entered the world of hospice nursing. She found a place where patients’ emotional and spiritual needs were recognized and their goals were an integral part of the team’s action plan. At last, she had found her calling and a place for patient-centric care. The three sessions being offered by the Phoenix chapter of HPNA, offers each of us a place to more fully engage with patients and their families. A place where we can more fully “meet our patients where they are”.

Event Agenda
